snubes16 Member


  • you probably aren't eating enough calories...sounds stupid, but your body is probably storing every possible calorie because you have not been eating enough to put your body in efficiency mode :o)
  • Yes! Eat the extra calories if you are sure that you truely burned them. Your body will start burning more efficiently if you give it enough of the "good" calories. But make sure you eat REAL food and not junk. If you are not eating enough calories your body will try to store every calorie you put in. :o)
  • It's not that it's not SAFE to eat less than 1200 calories, but your body will not use calories efficiently if you are not giving it enough. You can still be fine only eating 800 to 1000 calories per day, but your body will go into shut-down mode where it stores everything you eat. That's when you get less weight loss. It…