CindyinAtl Member


  • Wow, these are some great ideas! Thanks, guys!
  • Welcome back! I know you can do this! Like Brandi said, one day at a time. If you fall off the wagon one day, the key is to climb right back on. Drink water!
  • You've already taken the first step, coming here! Perhaps you can learn from what kicked you out of the saddle? Lots of people are here to help. I'm losing about 4 pounds a month with 10 more to go. I've achieved that by stopping all refined sugar and 'white carbs.' I also no longer drink soda of any kind (including diet…
  • I'm moving off of Weight Watchers. It worked for me in the past. But, the new Points Plus system where fruits are 'free' doesn't work for me. It also doesn't drive the nutritional eating that it used to when it required you to eat certain types of food (protein, veggies, fruit, etc.) I will say that the meetings help the…
  • I love my George Foreman grill! Easy & quick you can't beat it. Its a little hard to clean. But, I'm not complaining. As far as the Magic Bullet, I was disappointed in mine. The blade never got to all the food and I kept having to start adn stop it. Even liquid didn't seem to blend well. I much prefer a good old fashion…