findingbalance2012 Member


  • I had a broken heart and did not want to go through that ever again , gaining weight made me sexually irrevalant and men did not pay the same kind of attention to me as they did when I was thin. Pizza and cupcakes were my news lovers ...they never rejected me or made me cry ... my weight protects me and keeps my heart…
  • I try not to be superficial about it , it is not about the number... I know... I am 5'10 " so ... I want to be a 10 in a size10!!!!!!! That would make me very happy !!!!!
  • I usually add it as I am cooking it .. easy and makes me really aware of what I am eating . I love the reciepe can make curry quinoa( may favorite) for the whole week and just add one serving with all the ingredinets included for your meal.. makes it soo easy to keep track .BYT ... I track my food, but not my…