

  • The best method for getting started with push-ups. Firstly, understand how much your push-up weight is by getting your body scales. Then place your hand on the scales in the full push-up position and double the measurement. Example: My push-up weight is 160lbs 70kgs. Next then measure with your knee's on the ground. Use…
  • Follow up to my previous post: I will post this thread link to his facebook and ask him to check it out.
  • I interviewed for my website. Paul Klein. P90X success story and beachbody coach. His facebook page to check out his transformation: https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1804415463 He offers his clients incredible motivation and support through the P90X program via facebook..
  • Hi there, I am 36 and what keeps me motivated is that I am entitled by nature to live the best quality of life. The best decision you can make is to commit to doing your best around fitness without compromising your everyday living.. I hope that helps..
  • I exercise with push-ups to maintain my body and that allows me to do things easily. Most people hate push-ups due to not knowing how much weight is actually being pushed up. If you know how much weight you are actually pushing up by using body scales in the diamond push-up position. You will realize your benchpress…