

  • I have used both of ^^ these brands among others and they are definitely the best tasting ones. I have an issue with lingering after taste from artificial sweeteners so I have switched to an all natural, organic, vegan brand, RAW Protein from Garden of Life. It is definitely chalky but I just add it to 6oz of water in my…
  • You could also just try approaching some females who are in the weight area. I know that if anyone asked me questions at the gym, I would be excited to share my knowledge & experience. Look for someone with defined, toned muscles so you know they know what they are doing. That's a good back-up if you cannot afford even a…
  • I used to weigh myself everyday but I would easily get discouraged. I "threw out" the scale for awhile but then went back to my old eating habits so I had gained quite a bit. I now only weigh-in on Friday mornings, at the same time, wearing the same outfit. It helps that my sister only weighs in on Fridays with me. She use…
  • Thanks Everyone for your comments! Just to clarify... My personal trainer is "the" most encouraging person I have ever met. He thinks he is wasting his time training me because he doesn't do much but I continue with him, even though I know what to do and how to do it, because I want to learn to be encouraging like him. I…
  • My friend did it and lost 15lbs... BUT she put it all right back on afterward. Have you seen, "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead"? I have done a juice fast for 7 days. I definitely had some detox symptoms - migraines, fatigue, dizziness & nausea, but I felt so great afterward. I love that it is natural and full of nutrients too!!
  • I buy frozen blueberries and heat 1/3 cup in the microwave for 2mins to pour over greek yogurt. I LOVE the hot/cold sensation and it really does cure a sweet tooth in a natural way.
  • I enjoy conversations like this because there are so many misconceptions and confused people. I honestly do not know the correct answer (if there is just one since every body is different) so I am experimenting by following my trainers advice. He is having me eat no less than 1750 calories on my non-workout days and up to…
  • I honestly don't like the hand held device because it does read higher. But if you use the same method each time you check your body fat, you should be able to track your progress, just like you would use the same scale, at the same time of day, wearing the same clothes. If you are wanting to really know you can google…
  • Thanks for the reply! I don't have a whole lot of free time to be reading all that's posted on here (I am getting sucked in more & more) so can you share the gist of the posts you are referring to? I just started with a personal trainer and am allowing him to use me as his test pilot - I promised to do (& not do) and eat…
  • Jennifer Garner!!! I love her athleticism and cuteness!! I would also love to take up kickboxing someday : )