What type of surface will you be running on? I currently have a pair of the Nike Free running shoes and have found them to be wonderful on a treadmill, but not so great outside on concrete.
I second the bananas. Things that I can eat on the run with little prep time are often my savior. I try to avoid processed snacks so this tends to be a lot of bananas, apples, pears, etc.
Mix the juice 50/50 with water. Saves some calories, but you still get the juice taste when you're craving it. I would still limit your intake though.
Try freezing plain yogurt in ice cube trays and mixing the cubes with a juice/water mix in the blender. This is what I do for breakfast most mornings, but it also makes a good snack. You can add in a couple frozen strawberries, part of a banana or other fruit to give it some variation. Or use different types of juice.
If I change my settings to 20%, I have protein calories leftover so I guess I wont worry about this too much. Just something to monitor. I agree though that all the fad diets have really messed up the conception of what is generally precieved as a healthy diet.