

  • Thank you so much for sharing the! What an awesome site. I have 3 herniated discs and so I can't do regular forms of aerobic activity. I try and swim what I can for 30-45 minutes 5 days a week. I just started it and now I am looking forward to implementing the myswimplan to help strengthen my body.:happy:
  • I take my daughter to an early morning church class and some of the other mums and I walk. We chat and it makes the time go by so much faster. I also do pilates and yoga stretches. <a href=""><img border="0" src=""…
  • So if I earn a lot of extra calories because I have done some gardening or some other extra exercising so I have to actually use those extra calories? Or can I hope that by burning more then I use I will start burning some of this extra weight. My son says I have to be kind to my body and I HAVE to eat all those calories,…
  • I just started this on Monday and I would love to loose 20lbs by Halloween. Is that even possible I ask my self?? My Starting weight is 183 so it is my current weight as well. So that would mean I would be a svelte(thinking positive here!!) 163 by Halloween. Now that would be scary, but in a good way!:wink: