What this guy said! The body really does not like to function below 1,200 calories.
It's not a "given". The younger you are, the less likely it is to happen since your skin is more elastic. Even if you aren't young, incorporate strength training into your exercise. It really cuts down on the loose skin problem.
Visit Machu Picchu and go to a convention as a cute character :)
Good job! I haven't had soda in 4ish years. The first week or so was really hard, but then it got really easy. About a month in I would have dreams of me gulping down soda then immediately going, "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!". But nowadays I can't even remember what soda tastes like, so it's pretty nice.
Oh my gosh...can you say inspiration?! Seriously, girl. You're so beautiful, great job!
Wow, you look so much younger! Good job!
WOW! You even look great at your current wait! Good job.