

  • I can totally see it. You look wonderful! 25 ls is a LOT, and you worked really hard for it.
  • Thank you for this. It's remarkably easy to give this crap a miss once you know what's in it. Fast Food Nation is a great book too, if you want to be turned off of this junk forever.
  • Oh, I am so sorry. I know how you feel; it has happened to me more than once, and I know how hard it is to look in the mirror or at pictures, or when people see you and you know they're thinking, "How could she let herself go?" It sucks. You're already feeling bad because your having fertility problems and this on top of…
  • I have a big bag of greens that are so damn good and it cost me about $1.50. I also have some green beans that are so good; but my tomato plants are suffering from this El Nino weather. Nothing better than fresh home cooked food
  • Another one: I quit eating while driving. Stupid and dangerous, just as bad as the jerks who text and drive. Eat at the table, even if it's the crappy plastic table at work; this melds into treating yourself well, and enjoying your food. Make yourself a nice plate; you're worth it. I've worked two and three jobs at a time,…
  • I like these. The not finishing kid's meals reminds me of my Mother, who grew up in the Depression, and really told my sister and I to clean our plates, because we were lucky to have food at all (I don't think we got the starving children in China story, though). She would eat the food we left behind, though. Momma hated…
  • @elmct57: YES! Spices make all the difference in the world, and I am finding how fast calories get spent, and when I want to spend them. Focusing on the positive - it reminds me of that Frank Sinatra song (my loved one is the Sinatra fan, but I like some of his tunes). I ate vegan unconsciously for the better part of a…
  • I think that is the best way to approach it. It's the 'sticking to it' I tend to have a problem with. How do you stick? Is it what I am thinking, eternal vigilance? That's the only thing I can think of. At least there is this tool here, which helps so much, but the really daunting thing is the thought, "I have to do this…
  • 1. Learn to cook. I can't emphasize that enough. So many pre-packaged meals that masquerade as healthy fill the grocery shelves, and so many people depend on eating out, it's really easy to lose track of what you eat, and probably, for the most part don't enjoy. Easy for me, because I like to cook and get nerd-girl excited…
  • It's brilliant. Hi Geoffrey; sorry to hear about your injury. We have something sort of in common, although my *work injury* (if I can call it that) was a shift change to early mornings. By the time I get off work I'm so knackered I find it REALLY hard to do much exercise. The extra weight messed up my knee, so all I…
    in Hi! Comment by MizzMazz September 2010
  • Thanks. It IS an awesome site. I'm already 5 lbs closer to my goal, and feeling very optimistic!
    in Hi! Comment by MizzMazz September 2010