

  • I hope one day I have the same success!
  • This time last year I weighed 354. I now weigh 300. I still have a ways to go but I, myself, have not noticed a difference. I talked with my doctor about it and he says its different for every person. Its just so hard to stay encouraged when you arent noticing changes. He did mention the pictures as well. I think thats…
  • Love the costumes! There are a few others I wanted to compliment....blondeweightl you are very pretty girl get that self esteem up. That pink shirt you have on looks great on you. When I see pink I think of someone happy with a bubbly personality. I bet you have one like that yourself. Tree618 I love the enthusiasm on your…
  • Hi. I am a step-mom of three girls (21,20 and 17) and a biological mom to one little boy (11 months). I am a grandmother to a sweet little girl who is 7 months. I have several nieces and nephews. I made the decision to lose weight and try to live a healthier lifestyle after havign my little boy. I was always told I could…