

  • Here's the truth about weight watchers as I see it. I posted this when I joined several days ago. I've tried Weight Watchers at least 3 times since 1990 but they only succeeded in making me hungry. Their boring meetings and constant talk about different delicious foods they sell with various pointless points just made me…
  • It sounds to me that this "Beyond Diet" website is more of what you can get here for FREE! Unless there's some sort of money back guarantee I'd be very hesitant to join. There are many such websites that feed on our overweight problems just to make money. By the way there's also another FREE website called…
  • I spent the last few YEARS gaining weight even though I thought I was eating less. The last 2 months, by watching calories, I've managed so far to lose about a pound a week. Also the last few weeks I haven't lost much at all. The key, as others have mentioned, is to weigh yourself only once a week. As you may know it takes…
  • Sounds great. Can you share the recipe?
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