

  • Irish, German, Cherokee Indian, and African American. I get mistaken for being Mexican all the time, lol, and even some people think I'm Asian.
  • Yeah, supermodel thin is definitely not what I'm going for. I've always enjoyed being "thick" and I have an hourglass shape, I just want to be healthy, mentally and physically. My doctor, and most of the doctors I've talked to said I'm perfectly healthy, just overweight. And even they've told me that what most people don't…
  • I've heard that keeping hydrated helps also. Luckily i love drinking water and I do have pretty good genes. Is just all a little overwhelming at first, seeing how much I weighed before I gained weight and now just thinking about all that fat, it gets discouraging at times.
  • You can add me to, I have 60 pounds to lose. :)