

  • Thanks to everyone who's tried using the charts so far and especially to those that have provided feedback. The glitch loading exercise calories has now been fixed, so please feel free to log back in and update your data. I've made the URL a bit more user-friendly - you can now find the charts at…
  • Thanks for the interest everyone! There seems to be a problem with it picking up the exercise calories for a lot of people though - sorry about that. It would be really helpful if someone experiencing that problem could help me diagnose it, by sending me a copy of their food diary page as follows: 1. Log into…
  • Hi there - thanks for the interest. The app's very much in 'development mode' at the moment so I hadn't yet turned my mind to things like privacy - but it's a good point. I do need to store data on my server otherwise every chart would take some minutes to generate - I have to use a script to get a web page from MFP for…
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