Crochet or knit. It keeps your hands busy. You can't smoke OR eat while crocheting. (Crocheting is very easy to learn and it's something you can do anywhere!) I couldn't have quit without it.
Hashimoto's and Fibro here. I am still trying to find something that doesn't make my body feel like it's been tortured. So far, short bursts on the elliptical are winning. My flareups are worst in my back and hips. The stationary bike KILLED my back which makes no actual sense but there you have it.
Apples :( And especially now, in the summer, they look so juicy and delicious. That is the one I miss. It's actually a pollen allergy. I'm also allerigic to most raw fruits and veggies, which makes it a beast to lose weight. I can't snack on carrots or celery.
This is great-thank you! I looked up both Smart Ones and Lean Cuisines online and found you are able to search for varieties by calories. Found a pretty good selection 200 and under :) I always assumed all varieties hovered more around 300.. And I love tuna! That sounds great. I appreciate the help!
I'm from Philadelphia and I've been asked when traveling (more than once!) if I've witnessed a drive by shooting. The answer is never. I have lived in Delaware for the last 7 years. True story-I was once asked what state that's in.
My BMI is 35.0. I weigh 217 at 5'6. I wear size 16 or size 18 pants depending on brand (but 18s end up very saggy at end of day.) I wear an XL in shirts. Dress size? What's a dress?
Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga and 90's rap always seem to get me going...
I was on Lexapro and gained quite a bit of weight. I've always struggled with depression and need to be on something. It makes it very hard and very frustrating. They now have me on 2 different pills to control it, but it took a long time to get there.
I love this! That will really help me :) P.S. I hate that Charlie Sheen ruined the word "winning" for me.
Yes! And when they are in worse shape than you is annoying, but I have a friend who was born skinny, will always be skinny, and can eat whatever she wants without gaining weight and when she tries to give me eating tips it's excrutiating.
This is exactly whay I needed to hear/see today :) Congats-you are a huge inspiration! I quit smoking and then gained 50lbs, but I'll be the first to tell anyone that is is most definitely because I started replacing smoking with eating.
I learned that as much as I mocked the Neck Measurement field, that I actually lost 3/4 of an inch on my neck. Weird.
A lady walks in to a bar with a duck under her arm. Bartender says "Hey, we don't allow pigs in here!" The lady says "This isn't a pig, it's a duck!" The bartender says "I was talking to the duck."
Congratulations on the decision! It's the hardest thing I've ever done, but it's the thing I am most proud of about myself. I took up crocheting to keep my hands busy. I also used straws. These things helped me successfully quit, but I gained a ton of weight and it is because I "treated" myself to food every time I was…