hlc1977 Member


  • Born and raised in Rapid City, Manitoba...living it up in Saskatchewan now. Best of luck to all the Canucks out there in weight loss land!
  • What a difference 31 lbs makes! Thanks for inspiring me!!!!
  • This is all kinds of awesome. My name is Rhett Ro and I play with the Redneck Betties in Swift Current Saskatchewan. We started our league about a year ago. Ive been there right from the start. We had our first bout in May. Derby has been instrumental in many changes in my life. I helped me to lose 20 lbs...but ive put…
  • How about embarassing moments in general? I was playing slo-pitch about 5 summers ago and was up to bat. When I hit and took off for first, I managed to undo the top four or so snaps of my tear away pants. By the time I reached first base, my pants had puddled nicely around my ankles. As I stood there, pulling my shirt…
  • Being insane all the time has not helped me lose any weight!!!! But, I'm pretty sure that's not what you were talking about. ;) Best of luck finding the right answer.
  • I feel your pain! Picking a derby name is crazy hard. I so wanted to be Bruise Willis..but it was taken. I'm thinking about Cyndi Lapper (an homage to my 80s childhood). I'm just starting out. The freshest of the fresh meat. Best of luck to you! I think its going to be AWESOME!
  • Tracy! Good Luck. I just started this morning. I'm excited about this site and all the tools it has. Good luck to you on this excellent journey! Heather