Jespenski Member


  • It seems that whenever I have been successful in dieting (lost 20 pounds two different times with WW and put it and more back on), I have been "driven." Almost a "convert." Charging down the path with blinders on so I don't get way-layed. For me to begin this diet loss with a "let's see how it goes" attitude is the kiss of…
  • Thanks. I'm glad to be here. I found out about this site on a local news broadcast. My goals are a visit from a grade school friend in May and a trip to Hawaii. Do you have goals?
  • Hi all, Just joined today and not sure how this will go. It looks like we're all fairly new members? I believe I was born into this world on a diet. I think I know it all, done it all, but I'm always surprised. Once I experimented with my metabolism in my early 20's and ate no more than 800 calories daily for several…