

  • Agree! Love carbs, get loads of energy from them. My method to swap out half of the portion for salad. So if I am having pasta with pesto stored through I have half a bowl with baby spinach mixed through to fill the bowl up. The spinach gets all wilty and warm, yum.
  • It hurts doesn't it? All I can tell you is what helped me, best done through my story: We tried to fall preg for over a year, doing it becomes a chore and every month brings disappointment, frustration ands depression. Will we ever have a baby I can't stop thinking about it. After seeing a specialist, having tests, ovarian…
  • I'm a christian, and like to connect with other Christians that are all about losing weight, developing self control, and whose main motivation is to please god by looking after their body and removing food fromthe top and replacing god there. Also would love to talk with others who have read or wan't to read MADE TO CRAVE…
  • Do you like pickles? If you do then you might like this. I put some sauerkraut (edens organic in glass jar cause it is full of probiotics like in yogurt), cayenne pepper and a tbs of nutritional yeast. Mix it through and you get all that vitamin B from the yeast and probiotics for your digestive tract and it taste all…
  • I find this also, even though it goes against everything we are taught :noway:
  • I found the same thing and a few months ago I applied it like you do have a calorie heavy dinner and much smaller meals during day. I found sticking to the 1200cal a day much easier in fact it was the first time I thought I might actually be able to see my calorie restriction through to goal. Then I listened to my very…
  • I am so excited looking at all our pictures I am also 5'4" starting at 91.3kg/ 201lbs my goal is 60kg/130lb. What surprises me the most is not how skinny and healthy you look but how much YOUNGER you look. You mums look like teenagers now! Yummy mummy.
  • Sounds stupid but feels GREAT! Well done. We all secretly want daylight :)
  • Hi, south east queensland here add me :). I'm on all day. I have used the app on and off and last year lost 8 kg bu since gained it back and some. Never used the forums before,i really had no idea how great it is. Love seeing people comment, really gives this weightloss thing a feeling of momentum!
  • Thanks I will add you, look forward to following you :) also I would like to share my stats with you all. Im 30, when I jumped on the scales today I weighed in at 91.3kg, lady time I checked a couple of weeks ago I was 88kg. Im 5'4" tall and was a healthy weight through school but by the time I was 18 and at uni my weight…