

  • For my treadmill workout I like to run for as long as I can then put the incline up to an 11 walking as fast as I can. When adding the incline it really burns the calories. I hold on to my treadmill with my arms in front of me & that seems to help with the flab on my arms too!
  • Good luck to you! I completely understand about the end of the week being a problem, I have the same issue. I'm new to this site too & this will be my first weekend I have to log. Hope all goes well for all of us. Good luck with your weight loss & your new job!!
  • Isn't this site great? I just found it a day or so ago & love it! Good luck
  • I completely understand the wanting to fit in the cute clothes! I hung those cute clothes in my closet right in front so I have to look at them every day as a reminder of where I want to be. I also have my heavier pictures by my alarm clock & on my fridge so I can see what I don't want to be anymore! Good luck…