

  • great ideas i do like Porridge/oatmeal...although it gets too hot in gerogia in the summer for hot foods.. night shift??what cha doing at night......
  • question....i can never meet my calorie goal i am always over by like 400 cals. BECAUSE I AM HUNGRY!!!! any suggestion for filling foods with no low cals Example i just had my cereal i actually measured out the 3/4 cup YIKEs thats just a little taste.....i know i will be HUNGRY and start foraging the…
  • Helen. I will be your buddy..I am in your shoes too. I have just a little to lose but i have had "a little to lose" for 6yrs and NOTHING has worked. you name it i have done it!! Also have a good physical every year (followed by my docs closely) and THEY also recommended Alli. I have been on it for a while but i use THIS…