

  • 24 LBS since January '09
  • Welcome to MFP! You'll love this site. There are lots of motivational and inspirational people here that can help you when you're feeling down. Always check back from time time to let us know how you are doing. Good luck to you in this amazing transformational journey.
  • Welcome to MFP! You'll love this site. There are lots of motivational and inspirational people here that can help you when you're feeling down. Always check back from time time to let us know how you are doing. Good luck to you in this amazing transformational journey.
    in New! Comment by Road2Hotness July 2009
  • LOL! :laugh: This are all funny! Check this one out: When you get out of your car to go where ever and half way there you look down to find that your pants have fallen down to your knees!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha! This happened to me as I got out of my car to go inside my bank. My brothers rushed out the car laughing…
  • I know this is a lifestyle change. This was just a mini goal for this Friday. Long Term wise really I'm hoping to lose 5 to 8 lbs a month until I reach my ultimate goal weight. I did measure myself last week because I was looking for dresses on line so I think tonight when I get home I am going to look for those…
  • Welcom Vanessa! :drinker: Congratulations on making that initial and most important step to a healthier you. :happy: You will find this website very helpful, insightful, motivational, and supportive. I wish you the best of luck and succes in this journey. Welcome ..Bienvenida..Bienvenu...Bienvenuto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
    in Hi Comment by Road2Hotness April 2009
  • You know because of this thread, I'm just going to stop using weights all together. I want to lost the fat first. This means more cardio, more cardio, and more cardio. Would it be fair to say that after I finally reach my goal if I want a toned look I'd probably would want to then add weights to my work out plan or by just…
  • :smile: Welcome aboard Mechell. This is a great site and community to be apart of. Good Luck in achieving your weight loss goal! :drinker:
  • :drinker: :smile: Congratulations! You're doing grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
  • WOW! That's just got to be so motivating! I wish I had taken a "before" pic because I've lost 20 lbs and I don't have a pic I can compare my self with. You are doing an awesome job! Keep it up and you will be at your goal weight in no time!
  • Thanks for all of your suggestions. It just gets so frustrating. I've got mini goals set up that I want to be able to acomplish through out the year until I get to my ultimate goal. With what I've seen so far it looks like I need to crank up the cardio & maybe increase my calories a bit on those work out days. MFP says to…
  • Hello Everyone. I can't seem to get over the 20 lbs lost. This is really pissing me off. My next mini goal is to lose another 15- 20 lbs by June 5th. It's my husband's annual company banquet and I'm tired of wearing pants and a nice dress shirt. I want to wear a nice dress!!!!!!!!!!!! I warm up on the eliptical for 15 min,…
  • :laugh: Thank You all for your suggestions. If the weather was much better here in Wisconsin then I could go out bike ridding or something with my kid& husband but If its 50 degrees today then tomorrow we may get a snow storm! It's just crazy here. I do have a Nintendo WII so I usually play that with my son for like 2 hrs.…
  • The weekend is such a dangerous time for me. At work during the week I can keep my eating schedule. I get to the weekend and sometime all just goes to hell and by Monday I have gained 1-2 lbs. :sad: What do some of you do to keep this under control?
  • Wow, that was an inspiring story. I really like the ball thing. I may just have to do that. My company has a fitness center and we have aerobic trainers that give classes 3 times a week so at least I don't have to go very far to grab one of those balls.....(ok so that didn't sound righ...:noway: ) but I'm sure you all got…
  • Congratulations! Keep up that great attitude and perseverance and you will succeed! You already are!
  • :drinker: Finally, someone who can say it like it is! I admit I've tried the easy way out a few times but the results have been that I doubled up at the end instead of keeping it off. Good old fashion excercise, good eating, and well in my case I am still getting a little help surpressing my apetite but that's just until…
  • I'm having something I haven't had in forever & was just craving it...... CHEF BOYARDE SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS!!!! :laugh: Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Haahahahaha! Don't feel that way. Don't take my laughing the wrong way. Let me explain why I laugh... My older brother yesterday and for the last 2 days has been trying to tempt me to eat those delicious malted milk balls. Luckily I have kept resisting. He even had my 3 yr old son come to me and say, "Uncle E said you need…
    in Hi Comment by Road2Hotness April 2009
  • Have you tried using an appetite surpressant like Phentermine which could only be prescribed by your doctor and only given to you for usually a max of 3 months?
    in Hi Comment by Road2Hotness April 2009
  • OMG! That means that if I want to lose 2 lbs a wk then I would have to reduce my calorie intake by 1,000 calories leaving me with 738 calories to consume?!?!? That's insane and not safe I would think. So what would I need to do to lost the 2lbs per wk that I want and not starve? Any suggestions?
  • ok so what does the below mean for me? Your estimated BMR is: 1,738 calories/day*
  • As I have beenr reading threads through out the day I keep hearing about excercise points? Can someone explain this a little bit for me?
  • Goodness, If I don't weigh myself everyday I'll go crazy wondering where I am at. It's not an easy habbit to break. I guess since it's pretty much gone down that I find it motivating to look everyday. I don't think I can not look at it for 1 whole week. Does anyone have any techniques on how to do this?
  • Thank You! I just came back from doing 15 mins of Cardio and 6 sets of 15 in sit ups. My 1/2 hour or lunch is now gone....Oh well. I couldn't of spent it any better.
  • Hello Everyone. I am having issues with my ticker. It asks for my starting weight, then your current weight and then for your goal weight. Well, when I put in what my starting weight was and then my current weight it automatically populates the "starting weight and Current Weight" to be the same?!?!?! What in the world am…
  • Welcome! Bienvenida! Wish you the best of luck in reaching your goals. Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Hi There! Just curious as to what your plans are for helping your situation and if are considering taking any weightloss products like Phentermine? Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Wow! Thank You for the really awesome advise. I didn't know that about the weaknesses of the muscles with weight training. I will definately apply the advise. Do you really think 3 lbs a week is too much? Maybe I got a little to hyped up about all these people who are like losing 8 lbs a week. Here I thought I was going…