Talarspeed Member


  • Ben Greenfield has great all around podcast on nutrition and fitness. There are so many episodes, but you can easily pick one that lines up with a topic you might be interested in. https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/
  • Incredible transformation! Now- go buy some smaller clothes that fit! You have earned it! The ultra baggy sweatshirts look like you're trying to hide something, and you have nothing to hide! Incredible job well done!
  • Definitely a cyclist! I'm a roadie too! Yeah- clipping in and out takes practice. I've clipped in for over a decade now and there are times that I end up falling over because I cant' get out in time. Last week I was climbing a very steep hill and shifted gears- the chain popped off! Very scary sensation when all pressure…
  • Congrats! I love your approach with a the use of a dietician, psychologist and a trainer! A lot of support there!
  • Wow! Fantastic job! I agree with all of the others about how beautiful you are. Keep up the great work!