

  • I tracked it as 10 mins of yoga. Very easy but good for toning those hard to reach places hehe.
  • " I'll realise I've had my eyes shut in my own world for almost the whole workout. " I do that too!!! Having my eyes closed also eases the muscle burn, as soon as I open them ouch! Weird I know lol
  • Oh no hellokatee, you better hit the dollar store for a new set lol... they sell evrything there hehe
  • I like R&B mostly.... Black Eyed Peas have been my workout buddies and Kanye West's song Stronger. I need more songs to add to my list for when I go running, any suggestions?
  • Wow you all are fast!! Thank you for the lovely welcome. Im looking for someone who would be interested in swapping messages, keeping each other motivated, you know "Hey I did my 30 min cardio, did you??" I also have FB so keping in touch that way works too.... those darn FB games should be blaimed for my weight gain hehe…