meeralacey Member


  • i'm a coke addict, regular coke not even diet. i have stopped for 10 days. the first 3 were pretty hard so what i would do was just have a few ounces instead of an entire can. once you started logging every day and realizing you can't eat because of your cokes it becomes much easier to "just say no" so in my first week of…
  • you may want to get your thyroid checked if you are loosing weight with out trying. hyperthyroid can cause that
  • great feedback thanks
    in FitBit Comment by meeralacey June 2014
  • i was thinking of getting one for the exact same reason, motivation and to get a better idea of how much activity i am acutally doing daily
    in FitBit Comment by meeralacey June 2014
  • great to know they have good customer service
    in FitBit Comment by meeralacey June 2014
  • thanks so much for the feed back. :)
    in FitBit Comment by meeralacey June 2014