

  • Hello fellow banana hater! Here are some other excellent sources of potassium that have even more potassium than bananas: Dried Chervil contains the most potassium with 4.7g (135% RDA) per 100g serving - add to egg whites or soup Avocados Paprika and Red Chili Powder Cocoa Powder and Dark Chocolate Dried Apricots, Prunes,…
  • I've been grabbing the Western Egg White Flatbread at Dunkin (only 300 calories!) and it keeps me going unitl noon. If I have time to cook at home I'll have Southwetern Egg Beaters with a piecoe of Canadian bacon and a little low fat cheese. I CRAVE carbs and that has been the toughest thing to cut back on. I've been…
  • I'm still confused about whether or not to eat the Net caloriesa after working out. I just started P90X (typing this hurts!) and I know I will need to eat well duiring the program but I need to lose 25 lbs. My calroie intake is supposed to be 1200 to lose the weight but I keep getting an additional 500 calories after I log…