

  • Isn't it funny how lbs add up with out you realizing, yet trying to shed them times seems to slow down. I'm trying to find the middle ground where I 'm in constant healthy connection with my body and wght. With anything that is worth it, it takes work.
  • Wow it's really great knowing other people are fighting the same fight., uplifting for my spirit. Went for a 1hr walk with the baby despite the 93 heat. Found a great recipe site, I did our whole meal plan for next week with it . Good luck everyone!!!
  • Got 70 lbs to loose....I keep wondering how did this happen. But I think it is just not being in touch, not wanting to be aware of my body and health, because it is easier. Now, thinking about having baby #2 , I need to get to a healthy wght before dealing with pregnancy and its myriad of "pleasures". My goal is to…