

  • Oops...hit reply too quick :laugh: "Unless you puke, faint or die...KEEP GOING!" "I Run because I really, really, really, really, really love dessert" "Someone who is busier than you is running right now." Pinterest is SO good for fun motivators :love:
  • You may not see change today...or tomorrow...or even the next day. But, if you keep at it, the changes will come. Don't quit now.
  • I really have to agree with this poster...I did Atkins after every baby (4 of them :)) and, yes, I lost the weight, however I fully believe it screwed up my metabolism/carb sensitivies to the MAX! Now, I know better than to cut out the healthy fiber and goodness of fruit! Dont' let yourself be sucked into the "false"…
  • My husband just got me the Polar RS400 for my 40th birthday :) I haven't had a chance to set it up, but like others have mentioned, I think it has to be a GREAT tool for assessing your OWN activity level so you are more accurate on your calorie burns and making sure you are eating enough...I think I tend to underestimate,…
  • wow! this is exactly what I'm going through! I upped my calories a couple hundred when I started more weight/circuit training this Summer (I used to only do treadmill)...I track and do my best to stay within calories, YET, with the major increase in working out, I do not seem to be losing, but actually gaining...things…
  • I have a regular, digital scale that measures oz. and works great and is very accurate, plus it was probably $20 bucks or less. In regard to the example of an apple, remember when you weigh an apple, it includes the core (which you don't eat), so it's best to cut it and weigh it anyway...same with an…
  • BIG thanks!!! I had someone about my age, size and lifting equal weights, tell me she burned 500 (according to her HRM) in our Barbell class today and I felt that that seemed quite accurate with the amount of sweat and huffing/puffing I was doing :) MFP said I would have burned about 290, which I thought seemed low...I…
  • thanks,,,bump for more answers
  • I always do a protein shake after a workout...always! For two reasons: 1) because when I didn't, last Summer, I realized I was not feeding my muscles and I believe that's the reason I didn't see the results I was expecting. 2) because I have heard it recommended, like you, on many, many fronts. I think it's a great way to…
  • Really, you should be so proud!! Inspiring and amazing!!!! Keep at it for the life you've earned :)
  • That sounds like a great idea! I am sure a week, shaking it up a bit, will be awesome...both for you mind and your body! Let me know how that goes! What DVD's do you have? I belong to a gym and have a friend to go with, but like, today, there was NO way I could make it to the gym and I would have loved to have something…
  • So, when you said you have gained, they recommended you eat your TDEE without a cut???? I am sure that can be the right thing, but BOY OH BOY, would that be hard to do mentally!!!!!!! :sad: Tell me again, how many weeks you've been consistently doing this? I am JUST starting (as I think you know), but I know the book is…
  • YOU. ARE. HILARIOUS. :laugh: I have no help for you, just saying if you were a blogger, I'd follow you! I'll be done homeschooling in a couple weeks and feel just like you: FREE TIME!!! My kids get a little bored with the childcare at Lifetime, but I will remind them that it could be worse: I could be taking them clothes…
  • That's what I thought about the calories...that it's in an effort to get our bodies to trust us. I TOTALLY get that, but I just wondered if that was from the NROLFW book or something they knew on their own? What do most of you/us on here do? Eat the exact same everyday OR eat more on work-out days, less on non work-out…
  • I agree! We love LTF as well...I think my oldest (10) gets a little bit bored in the childcare, especially if they don't have the back gym area open, BUT, I try to always go when there is a swim time you, when the outdoor pool opens, we are there ALL.THE.TIME. :happy: I think I am going to sign on for 1 week…
  • WOW! 5 kids, homeschooling as well, and a single Mom, plus you drive 40 minutes one way to work out??? Truly, God bless you...that is amazing, challenging and inspiring! Yes, it was our introductory session. As my friend and I talked, we realized it was all expectation...I expected to get some workout in AND I did NOT…
  • I can SO see that I was sitting there I was thinking "a video can teach me what I want without all this talk and for the cost of $19.99"...I hate knowing I wasted 2 of my only hours to work out :(
  • :heart: A response after my own heart :flowerforyou: I feel much better...and I'd do the same for you...don't mess with my people :smooched: (and so people know, I'm Megan...but you CAN call me Mom if you like :wink: )
  • LOL! Yes, I misquoted didn't I??? 6 inches from the waist alone and you'd be looking like Jessica Rabbit :) 2 inches all over, like Kiki told us, is at least 2 sizes...if I could achieve (and maintain) that, I would be THRILLED! Thanks for the tips!!
  • oops...missed who I wanted to quote...
  • I WISH I had the time to read through all these comments...I read some and there is some great info and thoughts. I will add my experience with the thinking that there is definitely a "what works for your body" element you have to include in your thinking. Last Summer, I started a great work out routine after many years of…
  • Your story is super motivating!!! So, can you give me a picture, in general, of your work out routine/plan? I'm always hearing about rest days, upper days, lower days, and Lucia has talked about rest week...I am sure I will find most of this info as I make my own routine, but as I said, all I know is "do the treadmill/do…
  • Can't wait for this...both for how good I will feel and how good it will be to open some other womans eyes to this NEW WAY OF THINKING!!!! :happy:
  • SO GOOD LADIES!!!! These are the words I was looking for (as was my friend Terrie who is getting is signed up with a trainer...she's always the one who gets me to actually DO these things!!!):wink: I think I said, I haven't used a scale in least 10 (after my first baby was born...and yes, that means my first…
  • thanks for that great summary! That is the part that has sold me: losing inches. Who cares, really, what number is on the scale...when you see all these "before and after" pics, that show the definition and tone, how can you argue with that? I couldn't care less what that person weighs, I just want "those arms", "those…
  • LOL! That's exactly what I was thinking when I was leaving for Bible Study...that I had gotten us off on a bunny trail from weights vs. cardio to carbs vs. fats :) So, I haven't seen anyone respond that they do cardio only...maybe they are just missing this post? Or maybe I AM all alone here:sad: I am definitely on board…
  • I hate to say I haven't gotten the book, SO all my info is from reading the threads as much as I can (which is pretty much all free minutes :)) So, in regard to the low carb eating perception, it seemed most encouragements are to eat: nuts, oil, peanut butter, protein, to up those calories...I haven't gotten to read the…
  • thank you!!! What a blessing you are giving SO many of us who are trying to figure it out and get it right this time :flowerforyou:
  • WOW!!!! FIRST: you can REALLY see a difference, and only 60 days? And kudos for showing it all in the can see all over progress, which encourages me! I tend to focus on one area and, if I don't see progress THERE, I get discouraged! Very inspirational!!
  • YES! Totally look awesome! What is your exercise of choice?