Terryoke Member


  • I understand this too, and thank you for taking the time to look at my diary. When you're trying to transition from eating so little to getting back into a healthier mode, it really isn't easy. Your body adapts to eating the lower calorie things and feels sick when eating the higher ones or more of the lower calorie. And…
  • How tall are you? 130 lbs seems fine unless you're less than 5'2". The best time to workout for me is before I shower when I'm getting ready. I work it into my "get ready" routine for the day. You can get through a plateau by dropping all carbs (bread, pasta, etc.) and eating only meat, fish, eggs, cruciferous vegetables,…
  • Yes, I have been. And I'm losing weight. I eat all the exercise calories too - not just 1/2 of them.