

  • Hi Berny and welcome. What can I say but best of luck. In fact it's not luck. This site does really work. I've lost 8lbs over 34 days. Nice and slow and no rush. It makes you hunt the right food and you soon sacrifice the calorie wasters. I used to have a few beers each week. But at around 150 calories per pint I would…
  • We just want the bench, hurry up ;)
  • Well done on the 12lbs
    in Hi Comment by Dazzajes83 April 2012
  • Hey. Apologies for the delay, I am from London Metropolitan Police, I work as a Homicide Detective Sergeant. What about you?
    in Hey Comment by Dazzajes83 April 2012
  • Hey guys. I set up this group but did not really think there would be any interest. Great to see you guys and hear your stories. I am from London Metropolitan Police and work as. Detecetive Sergeant on a Homicide Team. I have been logging into this site for 35 days and have lost nearly 3 kilos. Some days you wonder why you…
    in Welcome Comment by Dazzajes83 April 2012