

  • I have three kids under the age of four. 22 months apart and 19 months apart. Not crazy close, but a little overwhelming at times. I really didn't gain much weight during my pregnancies. I actually lost 20 lbs during my middle pregnancy from throwing up so much. I gained all my "baby weight" in the few months following…
  • What do you all consider "clean eating"? I would estimate around 75% of what I eat is real, whole food.
  • With two toddlers and a baby, I struggle to have a decent meal for myself. By the time I get breakfast or lunch on the table for the toddlers and nurse the baby, I often feel to tired or like I'm running too far behind to prep something good for me. It's been a big help to keep easy/portable foods already ready. Some…
  • Great info. Thanks for posting!
  • Thanks Ladies, I did see my doc today for a check up and had some blood work done earlier in the week. There are some issues, but nothing big. And the doc didn't rule out weight loss as causing the supply issues, but thought maybe the timing was just coincidental. I'm just going to take it easy and continue to target one…
  • I just started watching what I'm eating about a month ago, which seems to coincide with a significant decrease in my milk supply and weight loss (not just slowed gain!!!) for my nearly 5 month old baby girl. I'm not sure that it's related, but the timing suggests it might be. I have my goal set to lost zero pounds/week,…
  • Yes, my daughter is almost 5 month old. We're actually having supply/weight gain problems right now and I'm wondering if it has to do with my weight loss goals. The timing seems to coincide, though I don't feel like I've decreased the amount of food I'm eating by very much. I'm just trying to make better choices. For now…
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