

  • "Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore!"...They may not be, but I am!
  • Echo Connecticut :wink:
  • Thanks everyone! Ive never been motivated enough to do at home videos because I would get bored, but I am motivated now and will try Jillian Michael's videos!
  • I was 21, he was 22. Started dating at 16 and 17 (high school sweethearts). I am 23 and he is 24 now. Married 2 years in October and just passed our 7 year "Dating" in March :love:
  • I was on the depo shot for 3 years and gained 50 pounds! I would like to blame it on my eating but the truth is that back then I ate pretty well and was on a swim team the whole time. Swam laps everyday and burned a lot of calories. My period completely stopped those 3 years and I was happy about it, but I ballooned out…