

  • Sooo, I do well with keeping track of my calorie intake but i don't pay attention to fat or sodium unless i am buying groceries. This has worked for me so far, I lose weight and exercise more but I am worried i am not paying attention to all aspects of healty eating. Is it crucial to pay attention to other things other…
  • I think this site is on the money. I weigh 145 (packed 5 over the holidays) and want to go back to 140 which i have been able to maintain for a year or so. i am on 1200 calories but i burn 535 daily on jogging and/or rowing so it bumps me up to 1835 which is soooooo good. So if i wanna slurge, i exercise without guilt!
  • I think this is true as I lose more weight in cold months than warm months...good to know.
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