

  • I also had that lovely visitor and when i weighed myself before I had dropped about a pound but after way too much chocolate/sweets I am probably back to my weight from last week... And I believe I got around 15 miles in. Again hoping to get back on the wagon this week!
  • growing up my brothers always made animal noises when we ate meat, naturally i didn't eat meat much. then when my iron levels were in check about 4 years ago i made the switch to strict vegetarian then last year i thought i might be lactose intolerant so i stopped drinking milk for a week. then decided to cut everything…
  • I also had a bit of a rough week in terms of motivation but kicked it up on Sunday after making some awful food choices on Saturday. that being said i didn't get to weigh myself today but did 14 miles, also low for me, but i'm hoping this coming week will be better! in terms of why i want to do this -i used to be really…
  • you're fine. as long as you are making the conscious effort to not eat meat then you can still consider yourself vegetarian. if you had continued to eat the bacon then it would be iffy.
  • good afternoon everyone!! i lost two pounds this week which puts me 6 pounds away from my september 1st goal. I also burned about 3600 calories this week, more than last and within my goal but I would like to see it higher for next week so i'm hoping i can get to 4000. some days this week were rough but i love having goals…
  • congrats on your weight loss elana! i lost 2 pounds and did 28 miles. i live in a city and bike a lot so it's really easy for me to rack up those miles!
  • seitan, tempeh, tofu, beans and many fake products will have all the protein and calories you are looking for and when cooked properly are the most delicious thing you'll ever eat.
  • hi all! i actually had a great week. i lost 5 pounds bringing be down to 208 and 8 pounds away from my goal for sept. 1, which i think is attainable. and i burned 3486 calories! i' really pushed myself last week to set a good example and get into a good rhythm of going to the gym and eating well. i think i'm going to aim…
  • i lost 5 pounds and did 25 miles! this was really my first week back on track which is what explains such a large weight loss. hoping to keep up a more moderate weight loss but i feel good about the mileage!
  • I'm 5'10 and aiming for 160-170. I have a medium to large frame but i've got a bit to go before I get to that weight so it all depends on how I feel when I get there!
  • can i still join? cw: 213 (i'm not going to make it to a scale today but i weighed myself yesterday so i'm hoping that'll work) and ugw is 165. september 1: 200 october 1: 195
  • i'm just starting to use mfp for more than just tracking calories but i'd love to join! CW: 213 GW for challenge: 200