writeranna Member


  • I'm an author and I work all day at the house. When my muse is really creative, I want to snack to keep the juices flowing. I've found that making a pot of flavored tea, like mint chocolate chip, which only has 5 calories per cup, has helped me feel satisfied. Also, take a break every two hours and lift weights or do…
  • Hi, I'm Anna and I love to read, and love to write. I'm a young adult author. My second book, OF TRITON, releases Tuesday May 28th and I'm super excited. I usually read young adult, but sometimes I read and write adult romance. My fave books are Shatter Me by Tahera Mafi and Divergent by Veronica Roth. My publisher is…
  • I gained 2 pounds this week, so I'm trying not be to discouraged. I will say I've noticed an increase in energy, which is very refreshing. I've felt like a slug for so long. I still feel like a slug, mind you, but now I feel like a slug without a shell. :) Like a little weight has been lifted. I'm going to give it two…
  • I started using progesterone cream this week for the very same reason. Only my progesterone is low, nothing else. I had suffered from the severe fatigue and body aches that come along with it, plus the insomnia, and so far I think I can feel my body pulling out of it already. HOWEVER, I have gone from completely sedentary…