

  • I lost quite a lot of weight with bariatric surgery, and have now reached a healthy & comfortable weight and am in maintenance. I try to net about 1560 cal/day (female, 48, 165 - 170, and net means I eat back my calories). I weigh myself weekly, and I tend to fluctuate between 165 & 170. Sometimes I'm higher, sometimes I'm…
  • People might consider me a "noob" even though I've had a membership since last spring ... when the weather got nice, hubby & I spent most of our time doing outside activities - walking on greenways, kayaking, etc. We started going to back to the gym as the weather got worse & after the time change, when it was dark in the…
  • Many of the pre-surgery requirements are to insure that the patient can survive surgery, is mentally stable & won't transfer addictive behaviors expressed by overeating to other substances after surgery (ie alcohol, tobacco, drugs). Additionally, the pre-surgery requirements are designed to help patients start getting into…