

  • There was a GREAT tip on "Pinterest" on helping with jeans that sag & gap in the back -- (I personally hate wearing belts) -- ELASTIC !! A nice wide piece of elastic stiched onto the inside of the back of the waistband of the jeans (piece it, if you need to gap it between belt loops) and it will snug the jeans really nice…
    in Clothes? Comment by k9caver July 2012
  • Advocare has some good meal replacement shakes and bars, as well as snack bars https://www.advocare.com/1204564/default.aspx I have a crazy busy schedule at work, and hit the floor running and usually don't have time to take a break or lunch, so the shakes and bars REALLY save me from starvation headaches (as well as…
  • so far, I've not given myself any "cheat" days, I have certain foods that feel indulgent - I **LOVE** sashimi tuna, and it's fairly low in calories -- so I'll slice up a nice chunk of tuna to fill an empty space. Or maybe grab a bag of freeze dried fruit if I need a sweet fix. If I REALLY need a chocolate/candy type fix,…