Hey Jessica, do you think this will help Cody's attitude problem? LOL [*] [*] [*] [*]
I guess I should have checked to see if you can attach files to this first LOL!! DANG!
Well isnt this just perfect. We so called "Overweight" people post stuff like "I lost 2 lbs last week!" or "I move my belt a notch in!", and we get maybe one or two responses. But post a comment about someone that is not fat or doesn't need to lose tons of weight and all hell breaks lose supporting that person and how they…
Here is the thing. All of us here are probably overweight and feel terrible about ourselves. You on the other hand come in here with the whole, "Im not overweight and stuff...", that just makes us feel worse. Maybe you should join a golds gym blog or something and leave us chubbies alone!