

  • I went and got new shoes today! I was going to run this afternoon but got a really bad sore throat and started to run a fever. Ugh. So, I'm going to bed early in hopes of getting up to run tomorrow.
  • Oh my gosh I just posted the exact same thing!!! I have been doing the elliptical for about a month. I have NEVER run a step in my life that would result in a distance run. I always said "i just can't run like that." Well on Saturday I meant to try and run from one lamp post to the next. But I just kept going and going and…
  • AMAZING!!! I swear I'm going to print out your photos and put them on my refrigerator and elliptical machine. LOL. I just need to see that it is possible. Thank you for being such an inspiration!
  • I just started on Saturday!!! I'm in the 200+ range and have never jogged even when I was a size 4 and in amazing shape. I just have never had the right mindset. I would jog 20 steps and just stop because it was too hard. I was always very athletic but it was the one thing I just said I couldn't do. I have been working out…
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