gpmonkey Member


  • Eating a plant-based diet is not that radical if you compare it to eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) and having to have radical procedures like open-heart surgery. I used to worry about my size and what people thought when I tell them I don't eat meat or dairy etc. And, since cutting out the vegan junk food I have…
  • Hi Ellie I am following you!
    in Twitter Comment by gpmonkey March 2012
  • Hi I don't consider myself a vegan but I eat a plant-based diet. I was a vegetarian for many years and about 6 months ago cut out all dairy. I love to cook and I have been having so much fun finding vegan/plant-based recipes. Last week my family and I went to see Rip and Caldwell Esselstyn speak. My mom has also jumped on…
    in Welcome! Comment by gpmonkey March 2012