psd091966 Member


  • That is AWESOMESAUCE!! Way to go on your loss and continued success!! :bigsmile:
  • I currently belong to the YMCA, but if you have a DVD that you could recommend I would really appreciate it. I currently have a bunch of Turbo Jam Videos. I wanted to try the Insanity videos, but didn't know if I was ready for that yet. Not sure if I'm ready for public classes yet. :bigsmile:
  • I'm in. I don't want to be on this journey alone. I have yoyo dieted my whole life and after I turned 45 my metabolism seemed to come to a stand still. I definitely need to lose 80-100 lbs. Could definitely use the encouragement and accountability to keep me on track. :bigsmile:
  • Thank you so much. This really helps a lot. I noticed there is about 100 calorie difference between my HRM and the machines, I will start using mine from here on out or adjust accordingly. I have reset my MFP to lightly active and will go from there. This is more of a lifestyle change for me than just a diet. I want to get…
  • This has the best info I have seen yet. Thank you so much. I want to make sure I am doing this right... I just restarted on MFP last week. I put my weight in and said I was basically sedentary because of my desk job. It's telling me that in order to lose 2lbs a week then my caloric intake should be no more than 1270 a day.…
  • I can totally relate to everyone posting.. Even at my heaviest.. right now... I didn't see myself as huge, then I saw pictures of me from a recent vacation and I was like WHO IS THAT PERSON???? I am starting on this journey and I am vowing to myself that once I lose the weight this time.. I will not gain it back. I look at…
  • Hi First Name: Pam Age: 47 years old Location: Charlotte, NC SW: 255 CW: 255 GW: 150 Motivation: Getting back into shape and being active again:bigsmile: