

  • Tamara - I think I posted last Saturday, maybe I got lost in the reply's. I posted a long one! I also just uploaded another family pic for ya'll to see! Shari?? Where are you?? Still not feeling good, haven't track a thing for a week, ugh!! I think I went backwards Sat. night and began to feel cruddy again, in bed all day…
  • Hello you housewifes - I think I am still alive, :sick: but I thought I was dying there for a few days. Yesterday was my first day out of bed in 3 days. I got slammed with the flu/turned into a cold. Sinus infection, ear ache the whole gammit!!!! DARN KIDDOS!! They got me sick, or shopping with the shopping carts that are…
  • Hi Everyone: Well, sickness has entered our home. My daughter 1st, and now our son. I am hoping my husband & I don't get it, yuk!! It's wet and rainy today, family watching football. I am feeling a bit depressed, my mom is leaving for Arizona on Monday. They go to Mesa for 6 months out of the year, and it always makes me…
  • I'm Here! I'm Here! OMGoodness, I was just posting my reply for the past 10 min, and lost my internet, right when I was posting it, it was gone. I don't think there will be 2 posts. I guess I will try to recreate it AGAIN, not much luck lately using the computer, and my frustration level is so high right now, I want to be…
  • I feel so much better today!! I did my weigh-in and LOST 5LBS. :happy: HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!! KIM
  • Jessica: Are you using that cookbook by Seinfield's wife? If so, my son got me that cookbook for Christmas. He is 14 now, and always gets it out to make his favorite Banana French Toast!! Too funny!! Not really, kinda gross too, huh!! Well I didn't do to well on eating tonight. I had breadsticks and a choc. peanut butter…
  • Good Morning Everyone: Well I guess I sort of had a pity party yesterday. It seems that I come and go right now with depression. I haven't had a big bowl of pasta to calm my woes, so that is good. I have logged on everyday and tracked my food, no exercise yet. I keep telling myself one day at a time, and it seems to get me…
  • Hey all: Wow we all have been busy ladies, not too much going on here on the community up and up :smile: I have had a few busy days too, and I have to say, I am proud of myself for logging in each day to track my calories. I am shocked that there are restaurant menu items. I thought I would try, and OMGoodness, it was all…
  • Hi All: Well I have good and bad news. I lost 3lb for my 1st weigh in, but right now I am not too excited because I did not pass my exam, I missed it by 6%. :sad: I am so done with this, I have been studying for 3 months now, and actively working on the website for 6 months. OMGoodness, and the test doesn't show you what…
  • Hello Eveyone: Nothing to new to talk about. Looking forward to tomorrow, because I am sure there should be a loss. I am weighing in for the 1st time since I made the decision to change. I am disappointed in myself a bit from yesterday's eating. I should of only had a 1/2 of sub sandwich instead I ate the whole stinkin'…
  • Hi Everyone: Wow, some of your schedules are so busy, I can't believe it! I can't imagine waking up at 3 something in the morning. I already usually head for bed around 830 or 9. I wake up at 6, and want to take a nap by 9. I am hoping energy will pick up, I am sure you can handle those schedule when you are not 149 lbs…
  • Okay girls. I am getting the swing of this awesome thread we have goin'. This is the very first for me in this whole comment thing goin' on. I couldn't quite figure it all out, OMGoodness, I am so excited to have this. I haven't gotten involved with facebook yet or tweeting, but I sure love this thread we got goin'. I read…
  • Welcome teemac2: I found this club a few days ago and love it, and everyone posting. I think you will too!! I am really excited about this club and know that I will get the end results I am looking for this time, because we are all here for each other. I am just playing it day by day, and realizing each new day means I am…
  • Hi All: I am so excited to be a part of this group. I saw the Today show a while back, and did not join right then. On August 25th this past week, I had an awakening moment, "maybe hitting rock bottom", and just thought I HAVE TO CHANGE! I looked up the Joy Fit Club specifically looking for this website. I have been…