McDonalds is one of my goto meals on the go. I get two double cheeseburgers, remove the buns from one, and the top from the other and stack up the meat and cheese on a single bun base. It's a low-carb, protein packed, fat-filled, satiating meal ringing in at 640 calories. But I understand the desire to give up McDonalds.…
Carbs aren't evil. They don't make your tummy fat. Eating too much (of anything) does. As for a good high protein diet... Just eat more protein and less carbs? Are you looking for a pre-built meal plan? Google has thousands of suggestions.
Low carb, high fat diets are gaining popularity. There are numerous studies showing that high dietary fat intake does not correlate to high body fat or even higher cholesterol levels. Google the ketogenic diet or search the forums here. There's a ton of information about it. Carbs are not "bad." Dietary fats are not "bad."…
Semi-serious suggestion. Maybe you are sleep-eating. Setup a video camera and record yourself sleeping every night for a week. Just maybe, you'll find those magic calories that you've been missing. /joke
you set up expectations by using a term almost exclusively used for alcohol. hell, i only clicked on the link because i'll be off work in a couple of hours. and... disappoint. your game is just a tease. no body likes a tease! water is overrated. i'll be drinking whiskey shortly. now THAT'S the makings of a drinking game!
One word. Chloroform.
I'm doing a ketogenic thing right now, so the low carb, high fat thing works well for me, especially when I'm travelling. I don't pay attention to my sodium, so can't speak to that. And the calories aren't too bad for just the one burger, which is 25g of protein for $1, 440 total cal (including bun). And you can make it…
McDonald's double cheese burger. Or better yet... the meat from one double cheese burger (throw out the bun) and insert said meat into another double cheese burger. I call it the McDonald's quadruple cheeseburger. ~50g protein for $2.
None. Pumpkins aren't food. Awful, disgusting, vile "fruit" that it is. Best to cut it up and light the night than fill my mouth with its dreadful taste.
these maps should help answer your question, and put into perspective the distribution between pop, soda, and coke throughout the nation. there are lots of fun maps here too.
Old school Bell three-tone disconnected message: "Doo doo doooo! We're sorry, the number you have dialed has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Please hang up and try your call again." Works like a charm in discouraging people from calling that you don't want to talk to.
I was two pounds shy of being obese. That was the wake-up call that this skinny little kid i had in my mind was just plain fat.
Not with complete reckless abandon, but now that I've hit my main goal (5-10 lbs from ripped), I drink several times a week with no noticeable weight gain. I just log what I eat and drink, and if I have a day where I hit 3500-4000 calories, no big deal. I just go back to normal maintenance calories the next day, maybe have…
300 calories. Filling. nope...
1/6 of the pie. You give me less and call it a slice, there will be words...
Why? Because you don't want to. Plain and simple. People do what they want. Either stop crying about it and commit to change, or accept who you are as you are. There's no middle ground.
Poor, ignorant people. Zoey is derivative from the greek word for life: ζωή (zoe). It is the same word from which English gets its word for zoo and zoology.
Went to high school with a girl named Celeste Teal. She was gorgeous, and aptly named as a beautiful, heavenly creature.
Okay, I can accept that. Now will you offer evidence or counterpoints to support and further your level of disagreement? *edited for grammar mistake.
Since I am a man, I can, at the very least, speak for myself. Does my description generalize somewhat? Sure. For myself, I don't care one way or another about football, or any other sport. Is my generalization largely true? I believe so, and I believe most men would agree with me. However, I am willing to entertain the…
>>Why what I say to him alway differs from what he hears?? Because you probably try to use implication and innuendo in your statements. Be clear, concise, and succinct. >>Why do men always seem CLUELESS? Because you probably value and are thinking about things that he don't care about as much, or at all, and expecting him…
Hence, my admission at the front of my comment that I am not technically a vegetarian. My point in posting was to say that I eat so little meat as to be a practical vegetarian, and do so with the aforementioned high-protein items, in addition to TVP. From: mil·i·tant…
I'm not technically a vegetarian, but my meat intake is very low compared to the "average" person. I don't like the thought of having to kill an animal to eat. This does not stop me from eating small amounts of meat from time to time though, as it is impractical for me to be militantly vegetarian all the time. According to…
Smirnoff Orient Apple Vodka and Sprite Zero. It's very fruity and has a nice kick. I also will do regular vodka with vegetable juice. Sometimes if I just want the taste and not the kick, Kahlua and Bailey's Irish Cream 1-to-1.