moonpony Member


  • My big black dog's name is Róta. I figured a Vaklyrie name would go well for a large black female dog. Good luck finding something you like. :-)
  • If it were me, I'd get the OCD Chef cutting board. :-)
    in ThinkGeek Comment by moonpony July 2012
  • I named my daughter Diana after Wonder Woman. I'm named after a certain actress who played Wonder Woman on TV in the 70's, so I thought it would be fun to name my daughter kind of after myself, too. ;-)
  • Welcome to the group! Congrats on your pregnancy. How has everything been going so far? It's great you are focusing on staying healthy. :)
  • I don't really have any suggestions for the sleep deprivation. For me I tried to go on walks on days I didn't have energy to do anything else. I know how hard that phase is as mine are only recenlty out of it. Please share anything that works as I know you aren't the only mom going through this. Good luck!
  • I'm with you on wanting to lose 1.5 pounds a week, but I'll be ok with 1 lb. I really want 1.5 pounds per week because that would get me back to my pre pregnancy weight. My daughter will be 13 months old next week, so it's time to get rid of that weight and start working on getting rid of the rest of the weight I've put on…
  • How are you all doing with your goals and challenges? I'm down 4.5 pounds this month so I made my one pound per week. :) My son has been sleeping better this month, so I think that has been helping.
  • I'm going for 1 pound a week this month. I feel your pain on the lack of sleep issue. I only have 2 kids, but they are 2.5 and 1 (B-day was last week) and keep me on my toes. The 2.5 year old has been doing the night terror thing, so that's fun, and the one year old thinks that 4 am is a great time to get up. Sort term…
  • didn't manage 6.5 pounds last month, but I'm ok with the 4 pounds I did lose. It's not a race, afterall. :) How did everyone else's goals go?
  • I'm a full time working mom of two. My son is 2.5 years and my daughter will be 1 next week. A couple months ago they both started finally sleeping through most nights, and I finally was able to crawl out of my sleep deprived haze of the past couple years enough to actually get back working out. I work out 2-3 nights a…
  • This is very neat. I'll have to play with it more this weekend. Thanks for sharing. :)
  • I concur with the lead by example. Chances are if they are feeding their kid crap food like you say, it is because they are pinched for time and those solutions seem to fit. Perhaps you can offer to make them a meal to help them out, and on the side possibly demostrate that a healthy meal can be made when one is short on…
  • apparently I can't type. I'm trying to lose 6.5 pounds, not 106.5 pounds in a month. :P
  • I'm a little late to your thread, but my Goal is to get to 225 for my daughter's first birthday on May 2. That will get me back to 10 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm at 330.5 now, so I think it is possible, though it will be a stretch. Good luck with your goals!
  • That is probably a valid point. I'm sure it would look cute, though. ;) I prefer it in print form, anyways.
  • I take it from your timing that saw today's ? Thanks for pointing out the site for more of her art work. :)
  • That's how old my two are, too! :) I work out at night after they go to bed. Thankfully they go down around 8, so I can usually finish before 9, giving me some time to cool down by 10 or so. My two are just too unpredictable as to when they wake up to rely upon doing in the morning.
  • I totally agree with easing into the weight loss goal. My first day was pretty rough too, so I backed mine down to something I could live with for that first week. Good luck!
  • I'm pretty close, though just starting out: Gender: Female Age: 32 Height: 5'8 SW: 238 CW: 238 GW: 180