I'm 5'1 and 96lbs. I can maintain 100lbs without counting calories, I just make sure to avoid processed foods, stick to a vegan diet, and avoid carbs when at all possible. My highest weight was 118lbs, but I was extremely unhappy at that weight. Generally my weight has been between 96-110lbs, typically 100lbs, have been…
IBW at 5'0 is around 100-110 lbs. I'm 5'1 and 96lbs...
Well, because while starvation mode is real, it is not nearly as powerful as most people assume. I remember I once did some hardcore looking to starvation mode. The reality is, while your metabolism will slow down, a starvation diet will still result in far more weight loss than a higher calorie one. I believe studiers…
No, they are not the same thing, but I don't need a calculator for TDEE. If I know my BMR is 1200, I can do the rest of the math on my own. The TDEE is what happens when you factor in how much you're moving around every day. If I check the box that says "light exercise" when I'm using a calculator, it estimates that I burn…
I don't know, but this sort of reminds me of the time when I was a junior in high school and my two best friends refused to talk to me because they were mad I was hurting myself with my eating disorder. All I know is that what they did just made everything that much worse, made me feel that much more scared, confused, and…
Look, it seriously all changes depending on (1) age (2) gender (3) height (4) current weight. Depending on these factors, you're going to have a different BMR, or Basal Metabolic Rate (if you want to determine yours, plenty of online calculators are available). Your BMR is the amount of calories you will burn in one day…