

  • I work nights and we eat lunch at 1 a.m.... so I start that as my new day and that meal is breakfast.
  • Last week my 2 yr old was asking for ice cream. I hadn't eaten ice cream in like 3 weeks and I had started this program in the meantime. So we stopped at Sonic and I ordered 2 small chocolate shakes which are 14 oz. each. I drank mine and it was SO GOOD! But later I felt like crap from all the sugar. So when she was done…
  • I have dated several men over the years that have not complained about my being a curvey girl... they actually liked it. But it seems that many people in this world are so fixated on someone's appearance that they dont look any further than skin deep. So I am 34 and as single as ever. When my friends try to "fix me up"…
  • My daughter is almost 3 years old. I lost most of the baby weigt while I was breastfeeding but once I stopped, the weight came back because I didn't change my eating habits. So I am now as heavy as I was at 9 months pregnant. I am loving this site. I am not being super strict about only eating veggies, salad, and water,…
  • I just started a few days ago.... I LOVE this site. I have been very diligent about posting my foods to as close as I can possibly get them. I never realized how much I was actually eating. I really dont exercise (YET) but just being aware of my food consumption has helped tremendously!! I know you'll do great too!!