

  • I don't know what I'd do without my iPod while I'm running...music is about the only thing on Earth that motivates me to move! I find that any song from the past that I danced to at clubs and hard rock/metal are the ones that really get me moving!
  • My understanding about fasting is that it throws your brain into starvation mode which in turn causes fast weight gain when you start eating again. That is why most programs and doctors recommend slow, steady weight loss. There is a brain/body connection. Your brain has to readjust slowly along with the changes in weight.
  • I think it's probably worth trying but one thing I have noticed is that it is a little 'cult-like'. I have a couple of friends that swear by it but they also seem to spend most of their time doing it and talking about it. I thought about it and even spoke with a gym in my area but I cannot afford it right now. Honestly,…