momwhosbusy Member


  • Are you stretching properly? That's all I can come up with maybe others have suggestions. I do run and have not had that problem...shin splints yes, but proper stretching and running form helped with those so maybe that can help with your leg cramps.
  • For me..its the Greek God's brand. Only 5 ingredients and I can pronounce them all!
  • In general kids like to know what to expect so I would have to side with the people saying she's just curoius. My 9 yr. old son told me about a year ago that I should try and get on the Biggest Loser...I was a little taken back, I had already lost 40 lbs and lookin' pretty good! I asked him why he thought that and his…
  • Hang in there...I have been through 30 DS and actually just started it again this a.m. It does get better after day 5 or 6 but man oh man the first 3 or 4 days everything hurt! Stairs were killer! As long as you're not injured then keep it up. When I did it through the first time I did 2 rest days a week and took 6 weeks…
  • Going for a run, I love it, I used to hate it but now I am addicted!
  • Hi there, I also am mostly grain free. My body just can't handle it for some reason and a I bloat/gain if I have it too often. I DO have oatmeal 1 or 2 mornings a week (only 1/3 cup of uncooked) and about 1 or 2x/month corn taco shells. Sometimes I'll do a bit of rice but limit it to 1x/week. I have up to this point lost…
  • lol, this reminded me of a story thay my great grandpa used to LOVE to tell about a husband who would beat his wife up every morning...finally she remembered to set her alarm earlier than his and beat him up one morning.
  • From BL: "Get your hands OFF my treadmill!" Keeps me motivated to NOT hold on while on the TM.
  • Great job! I am still in the 12 min mile category but am working up to faster times. What an inspiration you are!
  • Homemade chicken stew...YUMMY, full of veggies and no need for sides b/c its a complete meal! (One of those days when the majority of our family has to be different places all at the same time so it all got thrown in the crock pot this a.m. and now who ever needs to eat can eat whenever they're actually home! The next 3…
  • Me this at about 2 a.m. this morning to my hubby after my daughter's bad dream: "Did you get the dragon off her toothbrush" Me and my 16 yr. old this weekend while we were climbing in the snow covered sand dunes at the state park and sliding down them on our rear ends with out sleds: 16 Yr. old: "Mom, just slide down in my…
  • This is my first year with all 4 kids in school and I am still "at home". I thought that it would be less busy... who am I kidding?! Up at 6, kids out the door at 6:45 6:45 - 7:30 ish...Devotion time and a cup of coffee or tea 7:30 - 10/10:30 Most days... breakfast, house cleaning, A few days a month, work in my daughter's…
  • 18 years last week to my dearest friend! 4 kids, lots of laughs, lots of adventures! I am looking forward to MANY more years with him.
  • ^^^ This ^^^
  • Hi there, I have been GF for over a year for medical reasons as well. I am still learning too but will share what I have learned... -If you are a pasta person try the corn pasta, its flavor AND texture are almost identical to regular pasta -Beware of "hidden" gluten (beware of modified food starch, caramel coloring, and…
  • I have completed it once and lost inches...lots,16 overall, but only about 2 lbs. In case no one has said it yet, take before and after measurements. I took them after each level and was surprised at how quickly the inches came off! I am going to be doing another round of this soon!
  • As someone who has logged "food prep" as exercise I would like to take a quick min to respond. I don't log it regularly, only on the days I have a huge dinner to cater for 100+ people. Let me tell ya, this is HARD work as its usually just my mom and me doing ALL the prep, service, and clean up for these events that take…
  • Hi there, without being able to see how many calories and what you're eating I can't offer a whole lot of advice. If you're eating b/t 1200 and 1500/day like you think you are and exercising as much as you are you could possibly be eating too few calories. You stated that you don't usually log and track you food, I would…
  • You don't sound stupid at all! If we can't ask questions how can we learn? As for the point of all the exercise...heart health, more muscle will actually increase your resting metabolism, it feels great, its an amazing stress reducer, you'll sleep better at night, you get to eat more calories, increased muscle mass also…
  • Without being able to see your food diary its hard to say...If, as you say, you haven't changed your diet and only added exercise you could still be over eating or eating the wrong foods... There is a saying out there that I have found to be true: You get fit in the gym and lose weight in the kitchen. If you're just adding…
  • I am a super hero today because I let my 2 oldest kids have sleepovers last night despite the fact it was a school night. They were all banking on a snow day, so we gambled and lost, but Oh the fun memories they'll have! My oldest son and his friend (son #3 as he's affectionately known here) were here and my oldest…
  • I also get the large pork loins from Sam's and ditto on the steaks. Another go to recipe I use is this: 1 chicken bullion cube 1 beef bullion cube 1 1/2 cups water 1/2 cup apple juice or cider Microwave your bullion cubes and water until the cubes are disolved, add the apple juice. Place your roast in the crock pot and…
  • bumping for later
  • Most of us log it as circuit training, good luck! If I can offer 1 bit of advice, take you measurements before you start to compare to after! I am getting ready to start again and just need to get in there and do it. The 1st time I did this I lost TONS of inches and only a few pounds.
  • Hi, Muskegon area here!
  • I have been GF and mostly DF for about 2 years. One word of advice I would definitely give you is to READ ALL LABLES!!! There is wheat in even the most unlikely of places. Another easy way to avoid both is to NOT go out to eat. A lot of things can be contaminated in the prep process and you'll pay for it later. Same goes…
  • My favorite go to smoothie recipe is really very simple and can be adapted to what you like very easily. I usually do 1cup vanilla almond milk and 1cup frozen mixed berries with 2T of peanut butter. Very tastey with calcium, protien, and fiber. If you want it green add some spirulina powder from the health food store or I…
  • I have been going through much the same thing...gluten for about 1 and 1/2 years, OAS (oral allergy syndrome) that keeps progressing and expanding for about 5 years. I am constantly battling with what I can and cannot seems to be constantly morphing and changing. 2 weeks ago potatoes became a problem (Before I…