

  • When I hear the word petite, I assume it means thing and not necessarily small in height. Therefore perhaps I am petite in height but just not in size, lol.
  • why stick with brown rice? try this everybody. suitable for two persons (just halve if for one) 9oz of arborio risotto rice vegetable stock chop and deseed three colour peppers chop one large onion chop 6 mushrooms 1 tablespoon of lemon juice mix vegetable stock cube with 1 pint of boiled water and add to risotto rice…
  • buy some one cal fry light spray (it's by the olive oils sprays in the supermarkets in a plastic aerosol can). get the yellow capped one, not the green one cos that is bbq flavour fry light oil. spray a frying pan. fry in some onion, mushroom, peppers and you can even add some chopped pineapple if you like it.
  • Greg, it might help if you measure around your thighs, bum, tum and chest area and your arms so you can remeasure once a month. Then your mind will realise that you are shrinking so you can start seeing the difference. Also, your clothes will get looser. Keep up the good work :)
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