

  • As much as you don't want to ask the meatheads, please please please don't lift without a spotter. A man I know just recently died--they found him on the weight bench, with the barbell cutting off his air. He was only 24, and even thought he'd been lifting for years, he got cocky and thought he could do without a spotter.…
  • Yesterday, I went over my calories. I worked out, but thought I had more calories left than I really did. I didn't check my count before chowing down on some Qdoba. Did I feel bad? Yes, for a while. But even going over, I still ate fewer calories yesterday than I burn during a regular day. It's still a net loss. The trick…
  • I wouldn't worry too much about it. I started exercising and eating better a little more than a month ago, and my last period was late, too. I think it's an ordinary reaction to the "stress" of exercise. You only have to worry if it happens again next month.