Your plan sounds similar to mine. I lift 3 days and run 3 days a week (I love running and races, I can't give them up). With three days of lifting, I do compound lifts, which target many muscles in a reduced amount of time. I've been doing Stronglifts, which follows this regimen. Highly recommend it. My goal is to build…
Well, overall I'm a bigger supporter of free range organic chicken than fish. There are too many dangers with fish and farming them that you just don't know about. It depends on your personal outlook on food and proteins.
This is a really great infographic that I saw the other day (animal meats): And for tilapia: (Be careful! nutritional information…
Noooooooooo. DO NOT use these. The only think that will get you the body you want is weightlifting and eating whole, unprocessed foods
It's personal preference. I do. It's only useful if you like to look at your full nutrient report to see how you're doing compared to recommended values. Otherwise, most rarely have any calories (except for some fish oil ones).
Do not skip breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day. Get a good bowl of oatmeal in you with some protein powder to help sustain you all morning (this is about ~250 calories if you're making your own, I like to make mine in the crockpot [using steel cut oats] the night before and have leftovers for the whole…
this is on my to-make list for a dinner soon. high protein, too!
Friends and races! I've really developed great relationships with the people we run with, and it's always fun going to events together. The races pull out the competitiveness in me, and really helps motivate me. I like to try and beat my previous time, and always try to make a personal record. Unfortunately, I'm a baby…
get a fun cup with a straw. i really like tervis tumblers. if you have a large, clear, pitcher.... load it up with some cut up limes/lemons and ice cold water, keep it in the fridge, and challenge yourself to finish the pitcher everyday. works great.
You can add me! My husband was my only mfp friend and he stopped using it long ago... could use some more motivation and connections!
I'm in.