

  • It is actually really great that you are so into cooking and baking. With fine tuning, homemade food is MUCH healthier than what you buy in the store! Do your research and find ways to trade out some of the unhealthy ingredients for healthier versions. (You can trade half a stick of margarine for 1/2 cup applesauce) for…
  • oh wow wow wow! I am so proud of you! you are almost halfway! Are you sure that you havent set your goal wt too low? it just doesnt look like there is enough left of you to lose that much more? I am NOT criticizing. Im just concerned. the wt you have lost has made such a dramatic difference.
  • why not do both? they have schools out there. you wont be able to give ALL of your attention like if you pick one, but i def think school would give you plenty of new material! look at it as a double major, marketing and comedy.
  • I was a 24 at 270. an 18/20 at 240 and now at around 200 i am about a 14. hope that helps. I am 5'8" big gut, halfa butt and looking like im going to have scrawny legs! :)
  • HI! add me too! i used to be about 270 and am down to about 195. long way, but long way to go too! I learned to live as if I was a diabetic and it HELPED! unbelievable. unfortunately, it turns out that I actually did develop diabetes in addition to the pcos. but it was probably going to happen no matter what. Im healthier…